Club Meeting – 24 April 2012

A reminder about this week’s meeting. First and foremost there is a
change to our regular schedule as Anzac Day occurs this week. So the
meeting is on


at the usual time of 19:30 at the Arts and Crafts Centre.

Secondly, this is our second challenge of the year. This time the topic
is Hands. To recap, Each member provides six images. The rest of the
group choose the best three, which are then used for the end of year

A couple of requests.

Can people please size images to 1024px on the longest side?

Can people please name images as follows?
* category_firstname_lastname_anything.jpg e.g.
* hands_mark_berger_sinews.jpg

Finally, I will be down in Invercargill for the PSNZ National
Convention. So Hugh Davies has kindly been volunteered to conduct
proceedings 🙂