Club Meeting – 28 November 2012

Well it is the second to last meeting of the year.

There are a few things to discuss.

  • The first is the calendar for next year and what format it will take.
  • The second is to discuss possible shared activies with Hutt Camera Club
  • The third is the final challenge for the year.

The topic for the final challenge is


To recap, each member provides six images. The rest of the group
choose the best three from those six. These three are then used for
the end of year presentation which takes place at the final meeting
in December.

A couple of requests.

Can people please size images to 1280px on the longest side?

Can people please name images as follows?
* category_firstname_lastname_anything.jpg e.g.
* friendship_mark_berger_couple.jpg

When: 7:30pm, Wed 28th November 2012
Where: Karori Arts and Crafts Centre