Club meeting – 24 February 2016

Meeting this Week

Wednesday 24th February 2016, 7:30pm
Karori Arts and Crafts Centre (The Newman Centre), 7 Beauchamp St, Karori


Tonight we have a few things to do

  • Look at our photos from last meeting’s outing to Princess Bay
  • Look at our photos from the holidays
  • Pay the $5.00 Club portion of our annual fees to Heuchan
  • Discuss what events/learnings/speakers we’d like for the year
  • Discuss options to replace the old projector


Suggest that total number be kept to a dozen, split how you want between those that you took at Princess Bay and those from the Christmas break.

* Can people please size images to 1280px on the longest side, and name the images as follows (this will help Heuchan with organising images):

  • For Princess Bay photos: princessbay_firstname_lastname_some_title.jpg
  • For other photos: other_firstname_lastname_some_title.jpg

Club Fees

By now we should all have paid the Arts and Craft Centre portion of our fees to them, which just leaves the Club portion ($5.00) which may be paid directly to Heuchan tonight.

Ideas for the year

Bring along your ideas for what outings we can go on, sites we can visit, topics you’d like to cover, people you’d like to see and, most importantly of all… what you can contribute to the club in terms of organising speakers, events etc.


The current projector is no longer “cutting edge” and its habit of mis-rendering colours means that it is probably overdue for a replacement… but with what?  A more modern rojector?  A W-I-D-E screen tv?  Let’s talk through a few ideas.